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Reverse Voice Mail

TrappCall Reverse-Voice-Mail is our Signature Product Offering and better yet it’s FREE.

This unique feature is a first of its kind that allows you to leave Voice Messages in your own TrappCall Voice Mail Box for people who call you. This feature gives you the comfort of knowing that your message(s) will be relayed to your callers at those times when you are not available.

Reverse Voice Mail is compatible with the Call-Me-Collect and Call-Me-Local Service.

Challenge: Jane has a TrappCall Call-Me-Collect Account which allows her to receive Collect Calls from her son who is attending University in another part of the Country. Jane often times is not able to talk to her son based on the fact when he calls she is attending to patients at the Hospital where she works as a Nurse. Jane is in need of a service that will allow her to leave voice messages for her son, allowing those messages to be relayed to him when he calls her collect and she is not available.

Solution: Jane calls TrappCall Customer Service and asks the Customer Service Representative to activate the FREE TrappCall Reverse-Voice-Mail Feature to her existing Call-Me-Collect Service. Jane is now able to call into her Voice Mail Box and leave one or more messages for her son. Each message is date and time stamped and so when Jane’s son hears the messages he knows exactly when his Mom left the messages for him. Jane is assured that whether her son calls her Collect or otherwise, the TrappCall Reverse-Voice-Mail feature is smart enough to relay her Voice Message(s) to him.

How do I activate Reverse-Voice-Mail Feature?
Please contact a Live Customer Service Representative to activate your Reverse-Voice-Mail Feature. Once activated you may enable/disable the feature from your TrappCall Customer Web Portal.

Is there a limit to the number of Voice Messages I can leave?
There is no limit to the number of Voice Messages that you can leave in your TrappCall Reverse-Voice-Mail Box.

How will the caller know if there are Voice Messages for him/her?
The TrappCall Reverse-Voice-Mail feature will automatically notify the caller that there are one or more messages to be heard. The messages will then be played and will be preceded by the date, time the message was recorded as well as the Caller-ID of the person that left the message.

Where can I find answers to other questions I may have?
Please visit the TrappCall Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Page

  • Instant Activation
  • Low Destination Specific Rates
  • Pre-Paid
  • Monthly Invoices via Email (optional)
  • Online Customer Web Portal Access